When we first became friends, at age thirteen, Scott and I were Hollywood brats who had been transplanted to London. But despite that similarity, our situations were actually rather different. Nunnally,...
To this day, I don’t know what my parents were thinking. And in the more than three decades during which I’ve been a parent myself, it’s become more mysterious to me, not less. We’d lived in England...
With Christmas again upon us, it may be time to take a clear-eyed, candid look at a subject many might regard as too controversial for frank discussion, too fraught with sectarian turbulence. I’m aware...
Perhaps as a result of the recent appearance of the movie Trumbo, a portrayal of screenwriter Dalton Trumbo’s struggles with the House Un-American Activities Committee, there’s renewed public interest...
He was a great man and also, just as importantly, a great guy. Funny, gutsy, down-to-earth, aristocratic in bearing but democratic in temperament, a great raconteur and a great listener, possessor of a wonderful...
Many thanks to James Fallows for this write up of ALL OUR YESTERDAYS in The Atlantic! “Erik and his wife Laura D’Andrea Tyson were friends of ours when my wife and I lived for a while in their...
Had a great time talking with Frances Dinkelspiel, co-founder of Berkeleyside. Enjoy the interview!
I’m delighted to share this positive and well-written review of ALL OUR YESTERDAYS by Mal Warwick in today’s Berkeleyside!
Paul Wilner’s lovely review of All Our Yesterdays in this Sunday’s San Francisco Chronicle —“Erik Tarloff knows how to play his fictional cards with insight and depth.”
THE WESTFIELD NEWS– STOCKBRIDGE – It’s a family affair double feature at Berkshire Theatre Group in Stockbridge, where Erik Tarloff’s new play, “Cedars” is having its world premiere. The play...